S2P is looking for partners globally. Are you or your organisation willing to become one in the growing global network of S2P partners?
(If you are looking for training and S2P certification, enter the S2P shop and sign in to one of trainings.)
What S2P partnership includes?
S2P partnership focuses in safety of playgrounds and recreational sports areas and can include one or more areas from the following:
Training partnership
includes organising trainings using S2P materials (textbook, workbooks, training presentations). We will train your teacher.

Certification partnership
includes translating the S2P certification questions, customer service and teaching in update webinars.

Substance partnership
includes translating, verifying and maintaining the S2P knowledgebase that is published as Safe to Play Encyclopedia and is a base for trainings and certification.

Distribution partnership
includes selling selection of Safe to Play products that fit to partner’s portfolio; e.g. books, software, test equipment and training participations.

How will I benefit from S2P partnership?
These are some of the benefits you will experience as a Safe to Play partner:
Training partnership
is an opportunity to become known as a top level expert / expert organisation. Organising trainings is also a good business.
Certification partnership
brings you continuous customers who partook your training and later attend to update webinars.
Substance partnership
may be required for other forms of partnerships and is the only way to get exclusive selling rights for your country.
Distribution partnership
grants you sales provision from selling Safe to Play products: books, apps, trainings etc.
What becoming a S2P partner inscludes
Though each partner has their own needs, this roadmap shows the main things. Feel free to initiate discussions and once you have made decision, we will walk with you until your organisation is comfortable with the routines and the business is flowing.

Are you eligible to become our next partner?
Partner may be for example a one man inspector company, a test house, equipment manufacturer or an organisation who already gives trainings.
Most important is the willingness to work and progress. If other skills or resourcess are needed, we will guide you to grow your business just like we have done in Finland.

“Are you enthusiastic enterpreneur who is looking for own business? Or are you working for a large company who looks for expansion and stronger brand? S2P partnership offers value for everybody and I am happy to tell more!”
Esa Junttila
Managing director