S2P certification is internationally operating ISO 17024 accredited person certification body. Focus is on competence of persons handling safety of playgrounds and recreational sports areas.
The S2P certification mark is impartial and well-known proof for the ability of both the person concerned and the company employing him or her to ensure the safety of playgrounds and recreational sports areas as required by the various tasks.
EUIPO 018417002
S2P certification offers a variety of schemes, from the qualifications required for maintenance and installation work to the qualifications required for risk assessments as part of annual inspections.
The S2P certification complies with international frameworks TR 17207 and ISO 24665 hence offering the certified persons opportunities to work internationally.
The certification criteria includes 17 standards and three technical reports that define the safety on playgrounds and recreational sports areas, e.g. EN 1176 (children’s play equipment), EN 16630 (outdoor exercise equipment) and EN 15312 (ball-game arenas).
The S2P database contains always up-to-date list of both certified persons and the companies that employ them. Both are entitled to use S2P certification logos to demonstrate their abilities to ensure the safety.
How can I get an S2P certificate? Read about the certification process. In short: 1) Make an application. 2) Gain adequate training. 3) Pass the exam.
S2P certification schemes
Total of six different S2P certification schemes cover completely the areas where persons handling safety of children’s playgrounds and recreational sports areas need to proof their competence. As the system is gradual, persons have a natural route to follow as their responsibilities grow.

S2P Operate
Certification of persons who deal with installing equipment, maintaining areas, and carrying out operational inspections.

S2P Design
Certification of persons who, in addition to those mentioned in Operate level, deal with designing layouts, leading installation teams and carrying out mid-installation surveys.

S2P Manage
Certification of persons who, in addition to those mentioned in Operate level, deal with leading personnel, and managing safety and risks.

S2P Project
Certification of persons who, in addition to those mentioned in Operate, Design and Manage levels, deal with managing construction projects, and selling and purchasing equipment.

S2P Inspect*
Certification of persons who, in addition to those mentioned in Project level, deal with carrying out annual main and post-installation inspections using risk assessment.

S2P Inspect**
Certification of persons who, in addition to those mentioned in Project level, deal with carrying out demanding annual main and post-installation inspections using risk assessment and handling other safety related expert assignments.

ISO 17024 accredited certification body
S2P certification is an ISO 17024 accredited certification body. Accreditation guarantees the reliability for the certification, quality in operations and impartiality throughout the examination process.
The official title of accreditation is “Certification of persons who handle safety of playgrounds and recreational sports areas”.
The official scope of accreditation is “Certification of persons who handle safety of playgrounds and recreational sports areas in accordance with CEN/TR 17207 and ISO 24665 covering the standards EN 1176, EN 1177, EN 15312, EN 14974, EN 16630, EN 16899, EN 12572 and EN 16579; technical reports TR 16396, TR 16467 and TR 16879 and the risk assessment method derived from RAPEX Directive (EU) 2019/417 specifically for risks in play and recreational sports areas and other knowledge according to S2P knowledgebase“.

S2P certification’s accreditation logo with S2P’s accreditation number S061.
Did you know? FINAS is a governmental office and a member of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA). That is an international organisation that calibrates accreditations given in each country. Therefore, all member countries shall recognise accreditations given by any of these governmental offices.
According to regulation (EC) No 765/2008, all European national authorities shall recognize S2P’s accreditation from FINAS and accept the S2P certificates to proof the competence of the persons holding them.
To put it simple: When a certification body such as S2P, TÜV, Veritas etc. gets approval from their national accreditation office, all 49 EA member governments will trust them and shall accept their certificates as proof.