All S2P certification levels are valid for 5 years from the completion of the latest exam. Passing the recertification exam will extend the validity for 5 years.

The re-certification exam shall be completed 4 to 5 years after the certification. Successful completion adds 5 years to the original validity. When the deadline expires, the certification is not valid and the person’s information appears in the Records of S2P certified as “On Hold”.

Even in “Ho Hold” the benefits of the certification service, such as the right to participate in update webinars, use the Inspector and Encyclopedia software, and also the annual fee for the service, continue until the certification is discontinued by announcing it in profile.

The re-certification exam is not easy if you haven’t studied much from the Safe to Play book and/or the Safe to Play Encyclopedia in the past five years. Some things have changed! We recommend reviewing these before the exam. Consider ordering and completing self-study booklet(s).

What is the exam like?

The S2P Board outlined that the level of recertification exam will be little easier than the original exam. The exam includes yes/no questions according to persons certification level.

Note that the questions in the exam are based on up-to-date knowledge. Therefore, it is a good idea to review the material from the Safe to Play Encyclopedia app before the recertification exam.


The price of the recertification exam consists of supervision and exam fees.

  • No supervision fee is charged for the scheduled free-examinations. Otherwise, the supervision fee is €40 + VAT, regardless of the exam level.
  • The first re-examination exam is free, after which the re-examination fee is €20 + VAT regardless of the exam level.

Making the recertification exam

The exam is made in your personal profile at Exam supervision is performed via the webinar window below. Please note that you must have a camera so we can verify your identity. You can take the exam at any exam session by simply showing up at its start time (or shortly before). There will be a short presentation on how to make the exam.

Scheduled (no supervision fee) recertification exam sessions will be:

  • Friday 1.11.2024 at 12.30 cet

Note Log in with your full name and certification code in the “Your name” field. This makes it easier to identify if a lot of people come to the same exam.