This is support page for Safe to Play books.


Human mistakes in the book can not be corrected after printing. There are about 5 000 points of knowledge, each of which may be obscure, ambiguous or inaccurate. As the time goes on, some of them will inevitably become out of date.

Safe to Play -
Kaikki leikki- ja liikunta-alueiden turvallisuudesta!
ISBN: 978‐952‐68601‐4‐5
Language: Finnish
Year: 2021
In active sales

Safe to Play -
Neaizvietojams ceļvedis rotaļu laukumu
& rekreācijas sporta zonu drošībā!
ISBN 978-952-68601-3-8
Language: Latvian
Year: 2020
In active sales

Safe to Play -
Der Leitfaden für die Sicherheit
von Spielplätzen und Freizeitanlagen!
ISBN 978-952-68601-2-1
Language: German
Year: 2019
In active sales

Safe to Play -
Ultimate guide to to the safety
in playgrounds & recreational sports areas!
ISBN 978-952-68601-1-4
Language: English
Year: 2018
In active sales

Safe to Play -
Kaikki leikki- ja liikunta-alueiden turvallisuudesta!
ISBN 978-952-68601-0-7
Language: Finnish
Year: 2017


If you found a content error in the book (more than a grammar or typographical error), let us know. Feedback is appreciated as it helps all users of the book! Thank you.

Because internet links are often complicated and may change, the QR code in the Safe to Play book bring to this page. Here the link can be corrected if needed or when a better source is found, changed.

Link # in the bookDescription
Link #01List of countries where ISO standards are used.
Link #02List of countries where EN standards are used.
Link #1Form which can be used to report an accident for the technical committee responsible for safety standards.
Link #03European commission's SOLVIT home page.
Link #04EFTA home page.
Link #12About use of 112 emergency number.
Link #14RAPEX directive (2019/417) that includes the risk assessment method.
Note. The link updated 15th of May 2019.
Link #15DINED database with anthropometric measurements.
Link #16UK specific guidance concerning parkour.
Link #17UK specific guidance concerning outdoor fitness.
Link #18Study about bounce effect of impact attenuating surfacing.
Link #19Definition of "Learning disability". NHS Choices, 2015. What is a learning disability?