The S2P knowledgebase is located in Credentials there are different to all other S2P services such as, and all apps (Encyclopedia, Inspector and Vika).

Main screen sections

  • -1- Main menu; this is where all menus will open.
  • -2- Titles menu; the title which is selected here will open to (3) Content section.
  • -3- Content; the paragraph which is selected here will open to (4) Translation screen.
  • -4- Translation; the screen where translation is edited.
  • -5- Source; the screen that shows source paragraph’s text and html-code.

Menus and buttons

  • (6) LANGUAGE menu; select the language that you want to view. Most of the time this should be English as that is the source language and all translations must follow it.
  • (7) ACCOUNT menu; e.g. change e-mail and passwords.
  • (8) BOOK menu; toggle between reading and editing views.
  • (9) Show untranslated and unverified paragraphs
  • (10) Log out
  • (11) Expand and minimize the Titles menu
  • (12) Translate title
  • (13) Resize three main sections horizontally
  • (14) Toggle the paragraph between “verified” and “to check” statuses
  • (15) Translation’s editing tools
  • (16) Translation screen
  • (17) Save the changes done in the translation screen
  • (18) Time of last editing
  • (19) Source paragraph’s text and html code


After getting initial access codes (e-mail as user and password), change at least the password from (7)-button. Note that changing the e-mail changes also the e-mail which is used to access the database.

The translation must always be done from English which is referred as a source text. All translators are also free to consult other translations which can be accessed through (6) languages-button.

Making the translation

As a first task, translate titles in the left-side menu (2). Press pen icon (12) in front of each line to open the dialog where you can enter the translation.

  • Remember to include the title’s numeric value to the translation. For example “0.1. Foreword”.
  • It is very important to translate all headings. Those chapters without translated heading, will not appear in Encyclopedia app!

Translate-button will generate Google translation with the same formatting than the source language.

  • Note: Usually it is best to generate Google tranalation from English. However, this may be changed from “Translating language” menu under (7)-button.

As the tranaltion work progresses, these features may be helpful:

  • -button (9) in the Main tool bar will help you to find remaining untranslated paragraphs. For verifiers it will also show unverified paragraphs.
  • Use “Add bookmark” tool () to mark paragraphs, that you need to revisit later. Links to marked paragraphs can be found from menu ACCOUNT > Bookmarks.

Main title

The most important piece of translation is the title of the book. The English title is “SAFE TO PLAY – Encyclopedia of safety of playgrounds & recreational sports areas”

  • First part of the name, “SAFE TO PLAY” is not translated. It will be the same in all translations.
  • Keep the work “Encyclopedia” as well, if that is commonly understood in your language.
  • The word “safety” has to be in the title. Note: “Safety” is different than “security”; “safety” relates to state where risks are acceptable and they result from individual’s own behaviour when using equipment; “security” however relates to threats from other people with potentially malicious intent. This book is about safety, not about security.
  • The book includes children’s playgrounds and sports areas for recreational use. “Recreational sports” is not professional sports which often takes place in sports stadiums. Recreational sports usually take place in public parks, school yards and so on.

0.2 Authors -> Translations

  • Write introduction of yourself here and bold your name. Normally translator is mentioned and Verifier, who is expert in the field has more detailed introduction.

0.3. Normative references

  • Copy the names of standards from your national standardization web-site if available.

0.4. Definitions

  • Definition’s translation begins with the english term in brackets.
  • The translated term is bolded.
  • The definition should clearly explain what the work means.
  • Additional clarification includes synonyms, similar terms, what’s the term does not mean and so on. Feel tree to leave some of these out or add more if your language requires it.


If the “Translate” button does not work, copy the table using the source code:

  1. Copy all of source text’s code from the (5) source screen under the (4) translation screen.
  2. Turn html code on in the translation text screen by clicking the -button.
  3. Paste all the code to the (4) translation screen.
  4. Turn html code off from the same -button from which you activated it. Now the table shows in the (4) translation screen and you can translate texts in it.


The picture number in the first row shall be copied to the translation. Position the number to right.

All pictures shall in .png format. Do not use transparent background as it will appear black in the app.

Verification phase

The translation shall be verified as separate read through done by technical expert.

Verification is done by toggling (14) the status of each paragraph from yellow “to check” position to green “verified” position.

As the verifier, your task is to adjust the text whenever it’s technically inaccurate. You also are welcome to simplify the wording whenever possible.

Translating the Dictionaries

Dictionaries are collections of words, expressions, sentences and paragraphs in a plain text format. These are used in various places such as, and all apps (Encyclopedia, Inspector and Vika) in connection to their language selection features.

Both DICTIONARY and MANAGEMENT include sub-dictionaries. Management is used by different set of code and those are located under own menu. But for translator they are practically the same.

Open “Show languages” menu and select the languages you want to work with by clicking “-/+” icon in front of each languace. This toggles between showing and hiding each language. Once the selection is correct, press “Save”.

Trple-click on the space occupying the expression (). This will bring Google translation. Finetune if necesary and press Enter to save.

Important: Only pressing Enter saves the translation. Clicking outside the space occupying the expression leaves the translation visible but it was not saved to database.

Each expression has a status which can be changed by clicking on the indicator mark. When dictionary is complete, all expressions should have ✔️-marks in front.

  • ✔️-mark means that the expression is verified.
  • ❗-mark means that the source language expression has been changed and this translation is most likely wrong.
  • ❔-mark means that the expression is new (from Goolge) and there is ~10% change is not exactly correct.

Tip: Find easily all expressions that are marked with ❗. Expand the whole dictionaly from on top-right corner. Then make normal web page search (Ctrl + f) for ❗ icon. As the ❗-icon is an emoj, it can be found from emoj library or you can copy-paste it from this text.