The channel to take in feedback on the certified persons, the S2P certification service or the activities of the S2P certification organization is part of the ISO 17024 accreditation and also included to TR 17207 and ISO 24665 as a requirement for inspectors.

About inspection remarks

If the feedback relates to a specific inspection report and only one remark in that, the correct recipent of your reclamation is your direct customer.

  • As an equipment supplier, contact the owner of the area.
  • As an installation company, contact the owner of the area.
  • As an area owner, contact the inspector.

Why S2P doesn’t handle reclamations regarding individual inspection remarks? Inspecting work includes complex judgments that are valued intuitively and always on-site. Someone in S2P’s office surely cannot judge if some specific detail was correctly reported or not. Also, all S2P’s interpretations are available in Safe to Play book and app. To settle things, we encourage each to communicate with their own customers.

About S2P certified person

If the feedback relates to S2P certified person’s competence or misconduct, send the feedback by email to The email shall include the following:

  • Formalities: Include the word “Reclamation” to the email topic. Include your contact information and your company’s identification. The language shall be either Finnish or English.
  • Proofs: Normally the lack of competence is demonstrated in plans or inspection reports. Attach the documents or include a link for file transferring service. Usually at least five are needed to demonstrate, that there is systematic problem with the person’s competence.
  • General description: Write couple of sentences to elaborate what the reason for the complaint is.

About S2P operations

If the feedback is about S2P service, we will thank for it as it helps to constantly improve our operations. Send the feedback by email to The email shall include the following:

  • Formalities: Include the word “Reclamation” to the email topic. Include your contact information and your company’s identification. The language shall be either Finnish or English.
  • General description: Write couple of sentences to elaborate what the reason for the complaint is. Specifics about the time and situation of the complaint’s subject shall be included.
  • Solution: Write clearly what you want as a corrective action if the reclamation is found acceptable.

After a formal check by non-involved person, all proper feedbacks will be handled by the S2P certification board. Feedback can lead to various actions, such as addressing the issue in a update training, a note to the person in question, a change in the certification criteria etc.

Please note the following before sending feedback:

  • Your contact information will be archived on the internal document (S2P-1017 feedback form) as part of S2P’s confidential archives for at least 10 years.
  • Your identity will not be revealed for the person the feedback is about.
  • Anonymous feedback will not be processed in any way.
  • If the feedback relates to S2P operations, S2P board’s next meeting may be months away from the time of making the reclamation. Be patient. Once the reclamation is in S2P’s system, it will not be ignored.