EN 16579 standard includes requirements for ball playing goals including football goals.
Where can I download EN 16579 pdf? The standard is subject to copyrights and its distribution peer-to-peer is illegal. Standards can be purchased from national standardisation bodies’ shops, and they typically cost 100 – 300 € each.
Luckily, there are better options!

S2P is ISO 17024 accredited person certification body designated on delivering knowledge from the safety of playgrounds and recreational sports areas. Safe to Play Encyclopedia app is respected source of knowledge used by certified and other experts alike.
For 100 years, standards have been as they are today: Complex wordings, minimal number of pictures and expensive. You can also use Safe to Play app with pictures and fluent narration.

The standard addresses the listed things.
EN 16579 Goals

Definitions are given for the following technical terms: Goal, portable goal, socketed goal, goal frame, net support, frame support, anchoring system, in use, intended use, not in use, crushing point, shearing point, entrapment, transport system.
Safety requirements are given for the following: Measurements, categorization, classification, materials, strength requirements, goal type specific requirements, stability, entrapment, net fixings, net, surface finish, transport system, test methods, stability requirements, net yarn diameter, test report, assembly, storage, transportation, inspection, maintenance, marking, anchoring system.
Safe to Play app contains 17 standards and 3 technical reports relating to playgrounds and recreational sports areas including this one. The price is less than tenth from the price of standards! It contains however, much, much more!